How well you really know your grandfathers and grandmothers? You know where they went on the first date and who invited whom? Who your grandmother dreamed in childhood? Ask them about it. Believe me, you will not regret!
Unfortunately, we usually know little about the life of such close relatives. It never occurred to us to ask them. Well, better than never before! Your grandfather or grandmother will probably be very glad that you want to know more about them!
Here are some examples of interesting questions that Internet users asked their grandparents. We also give the most touching and witty answers that the representatives of the older generation gave.
1. “What is the most important lesson you received from your parents? »
2. “How would you describe your childhood? »
3. “I asked my grandfather: what’s the secret of happiness in life? He thought and said: family and pies. But first of all – pies! »
4. “Tell your favorite joke! »
5. “How our family survived the epidemic“ Spanish ”of 1918? »
6. “If you could change one thing in your life, what would you choose? »
7. “Tell us how you met, how your relationship developed and how you got married? I recently asked this question to my 90-year-old grandmother, and her story just struck me. I will take her secret with me to the grave! »
8. “Tell us about your first marriage. What happened, why did you part? »
9. « How lived during the war? Which helped to endure all the hardships and deprivation? »
10. “Tell us about the traditional values of our people. What would be worth saving future generations? »
eleven. “How did you manage to live together for so long and not go crazy? What’s the secret? »
12. “How was living during the most serious crisis? »
13. “Grandma, I know you were sitting at home with children. And you someday sorry that you did not go to work, did not make a career? »
14. “Here you have adopted the child. And how it was done at that time? »